Sunday, April 26, 2009

Rainy Sunday with my sissi watching Paris Hilton's New BFF on mtv.
Well its supposedly a weekend marathon. Haha!
What a Bimbotic show.
Looking for this evening's Sfactor on channel five.
My great deal of entertainment.
Bimbotic teevee programmes are great for laughter.

Oh wells, still getting a hangover from pizzas.
Had them on thursday night's victory dinner at Mr T's place.
Tanglin Track & Field will always be nothing, but TH BEST!

Missing Cookie R.
He's on guard duty somewhere at marina (i think)
Haha. What a lonely Sunday. Now he owes me pancakes and waffles.
Someone is a happy kuku bird upon receiving his EARLY BIRTHDAY PRESENT. (which cost me a BOMB!)

Haha. Alright, back to school tomorrow peepo.
Pack your bags and try a little harder to be nicer to your teachers this week!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I want to be remembered
as the one who always smiles
even when her heart is broken,
And the one who would
always brighten up your day
Even when she couldn’t
brighten up her own.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Crunchy apples, I totally dig.
Piles of sky-high homework are a total pain.
I need to study, I need to focus. Sigh, wonder how many times do i have to constantly remind myself that I am an O level candidate this year. Well oh well, I have to knock some sense into myself before it is too late. Wake up J, wake up.
I am totally in a flap. I need to get hold of myself.

Hmmm, eliminate th word fun for th next two weeks. MYE is nearing, I gotta start my revision. Um, no wait. Now's too soon. Perhaps by th end of this week I will start focusing. So i've gave myself exactly three more days to rest.
I need th peace, I need th space.
What now?
Literature Homework.

I'm very stressed out. J

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Good Morning R
J misses R
J loves R
J is going crazy.
R you're a complete sweetheart.

Now now...

R, you owe me a _________*!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Good Morning Sunshine kidos!
Th tummyache have been a total bitch, woke up countless of times through th entire night. Haha! that explains those panda eyes. Anyhow, felt kinda bored this morning so I decided to browse through th old photos in friendster. (Eff* what a thing to do to kill boredom) And so....

Im pondering if i should cut in fringe. Hmmm, caught in a dilema right now. Would someone bother giving me a suggestion? Any kind souls out there?
Kell have been trying to persuade me to try out th new hair salon down th road. But... Hmm? I really can't decide.
Help me !

Cookie R will be having his soccer match later this afternoon, I'll be having my long awaited lunch date with mommy. Oh yes yes, I can't wait. Wonder where would she bringing us for lunch.

To Erykah (Hotcake)
Take great care of your sexy buttcheeks girl!
Have yourself ample rest (:

So long for now, gotta get ready for Mr C's chem class. (Dreads)

Friday, April 17, 2009

hola hola
¡Qué un día impresionante que lo es hoy!

School was kick arse fun I say.
Mexican Fiestaaa! ¡Una la diversión!
Haha (:

Oh come on, how can fridays be boring when you have th entire school dancing bachata?
Haha! It was so very very awesome!
Viva la Pinata~
Th little ones from th primary school joined in th tanglin spirit and they went goo goo gaa over all th candies!

Mexican Friday was AWESOMEZXZXZX
Have an enjoyable weekend peepo-J

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Lane 5.
Awesome shit.

Had my 400m event yesterday at th cck stadium. Though I didn't qualify, yesterday's run had been th BEST run. Oh ye, no regrets, no tears. I LOVE th run. Made new friends, bitched th bitches, ran th run.

I want to thank th following peepo who never fail to show their support.

Erykah (Hotcake)
"thanks hotass, you left me all alone to compete in this nationals! Thanks to your pantat! I'll miss year'08 nationals th most"

Reena (Honeystar)
"My oh so huggable starry friend, your smile never fails to give me th confidence to do what I set myself to do! Thanks honey"

Woody wifey
"thanks thanks thanks! I love you wifey th most for sending me sweet and encouraging text messages! Smoochies*"

FiQah (orangemuffin)

"You never fail to give me th Hoo-Haa Power-rrrrrrrrr! Thanks muffin!"

Kellie (strawberrypie)
"A promise is a promise, I never did break that promise sweets. Thanks for your care and concern."

Shaula (applepie)
"My dearest sunshine, your go-go attitude spurred me on! Thanks sweetpie"

Th THREE R's (Raynee, Racheal, Rebecca)
"steady steady la. Thanks babes!"

Th Two Belo Pantats (Matiin & Firdey)

Mommy & Daddy
"thanks for showing your support undercover at th stadium, I still can't believe you two actually tried to hide yourselves. Haha! A BIG THANK YOU to daddy for training with me for three nights at th stadium. I LOVE YOU DADDYO"

Mr Tham

"Sorry for all th trouble i've caused, thanks for allowing me to run this last race"

Me love you peeeeeeepo loadzxzxzxzxz-J

Monday, April 13, 2009

Kick arse Monday. I kinda love today.
Well, hmmm, yes I do.

Morning phone convos are hilarious!

*Cell Rings (I'd thought it was th alarm)
Cookie R: Baby, are you awake? Good Morning sayang
Me: (speaks loudly) Oh my god, baby... (whispers) Mommy is awake!
Cookie R: I know I know (whispers back) Baby, I called to say I miss you. I'll be going for th field camp ltr, take care ok? I miss you so much. I love you I love you!
Me: (whispers while swallowing my scream) I love you too! Alright alright, take care okey sayang?

(Hung up)
Smiles like a Kuku bird and wondered why did Cookie R have to whisper?
Haha! Human behaviour. You imitate th other person on th line, oh my silly cookie !

Anyhow, after school was awesome!
It had been ages since I had a good chat with Firdey. And so...
We chat and we chat, stories after stories, jokes after jokes.
Firdey is indeed a great company. Awesomezxzx!

Will be having my nationals tomorrow.
Currently I am pondering..

Option A:
Skip school and stay home to sleep till event starts at 430pm

Option B:
Go to school and then head straight to th stadium.

Any suggestions?

Or perhaps Option C.
Scratch th event and pull out?
You people will hate me for that.

Cheerios peepo!- J

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Did I mention that I am now in an ecstatic mood?
My breakfast gave my th sugar rush. Oh ye, choco ballzxzxz and sticky marshmallow.
Totally makes you jump out of your pyj's and screaaaaaaam!

Anyhow, Holiday review.
Nothing much has happened for th past few days though. Well, what a dreaded long weekend.

Friday- Food Junkie Binging session
Uncle Jit's birthday lunch at Myramar Hotel, River Valley Road.
Vivo with daddyo & mommy.
Home sweet home.
teevo.cookie R.teevo.Cookie R

Saturday- Stay home, lazy arse
Morning date,
Cookie R.good chat.Cookie R.bus stop.
Adam's Road.
lunch.lunch.lunch. teh halia (Sedap Sedap!)

Meeting up with trackers ltr.
Oh yes, I do wonder indeed-J

Wake up Cookie Pantat!

Friday, April 10, 2009

She wants to live in isolation
so as to get that new sensation.
lost in thought, for all she's got,
she wants to get out.

she runs away from whats to come,
she hates everyone, all but one.
she hides behind those words that rhyme,
keeping herself in a strait line.

emotionless but feeling spite,
colourless but black and white.
you know not what life is like,
till you lay there, nothing in sight.

I am down.
I am out.
I hate this feeling.
So just piss off and leave me alone, let me watch Cookie R's soccer game on my teevo.
Piss Off-J

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Advance Easter peepo.
Alright, so school was great today. I was convinced that it had been a pretty awesome day for me as it will be a long weekend. (Phew, thank th easter bunny)
Now now, I brought a total of more than 60 little cadbury chocolate easter eggs to school and gave them all out to th special peepo. Happy Easter all you happy bunnies!

Lessons were pretty much dull and boring, well considering th fact that we had already shut ourselves out and was pretty much ''auto-tuned'' to th holiday mood. Haha! So much for being a bunch of self-proclaimed motivated and driven O level candidate. Total bullocks for you!.

Oh ho, kinda bored. Typing nothing but thkwdniqnijeoqqenude on my keyboard. Slurping my melted marshmallow hot choco. Suppose to hve webcamieo date with Cookie R, but he fell asleep. Poor baby, just booked out from camp. Oh ho, tina came over again just now. Ye, I needed someone to hear me out. Naw, shan't tell you our itzy bitzy secret. Thanks babe, for th roses. Your lovely idea of flowers never fail to put a smile on my face.

Goodnight folks, Happy Easter.-J

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

7:00pm sharp.
Just got home and I am totally shagged out. (like seriously)
So I'd prolly say school was rather alright today. Wednesday isn't a bitch surprisingly. Haha! Had three free periods in th computer lab, was instructed to complete my evaluation but look, I got carried away. And so did Kell and Su. Oh ye. You bet, when there is Kell, you ought to have a camieo snappin' shots baby. Kell was in love with herself all over again, as usual and she flooded my photo gallery in my phone with all her photos. teehee (not sure if they would make great wallpapers?) haha!
Cookie R rung me up during class (how sweet!) but Kell and Su just had to irritate him. They went on and on about my whole LESBO AFFAIR (ye right) Thank god th school bell rang and i managed to runaway from their irritable laments. Headed to th stadium for a jog but some old uncle told me i had to leave before 3 as some school was going to have their sports day. (Dread) You won't want to guess which school he was refering to. Oh ye, that eeky-green-loving ''Let-me-save-gaia'' school down th road was going to have their measly sports event held there. (*Snigger)

Anyhow after my pathetic jog around th stadium for 4 times, I headed back to school and stayed till 6. How nice to watch sunset in school (:

Toodles for now. Tummy is grumbling like fcuk.-J

Monday, April 6, 2009

Gente dell'OH, è così squisito!

Ohohoh. What an action-packed Super Monday.
Oh, shake away those Monday Blues peepo, you got yourself a long weekend to look ahead. What's more? It's Easter Sunday. Search for those chocolate eggs. (Yummy-licious)

Alright, so school was kinda quiet without Reena(HoneyStar) & Fiqah(OrangeMuffin)
But it isn't dead silence with Kell around. (Haha!) Apart from th boring literature lessons we had today, th rest of th day was pretty much fun filled. Had prac today after school and it was hot-spicy action in th kitchen peepo.

Su's awesome brownies. Kell's cutsey little cone muffins. Victor's charred kebab.
By th way, i came to realize that Victor is quite a good cook. He has everything under control. Well ''almost'' everything, apart from peeling prawn shells, I was pretty much safe from any ''flying ingredients''. (Haha!) I had so much fun in th kitchen today. (three cheers for succeeding and not screwing up my prac!)

Cookie R shall very well be proud of me.
Told you baby, I can cook! Unlike you and your charred Nasi Ayam.

Th day would have been better if he had not said
''go get your jersey, you are still going for th nationals''

Sunday, April 5, 2009

On My Rainy Sunday I am.
[/] clickin' th net away
[/] baking strawberry bread pudding
[/] eating my pasta infront of my lappy
[/] leaving th teevo on hoping th lightning will strike into my room
[/] beeping Cookie
[/] Missing Cookie
[/] Building castles in th air
[/] Cookie misses his Mega-Merciless Burger

My Cookie, i'm really missing you like craaaaazy!
I love you so so so very very much!
*Snort snort. Hope Cookie is feeling better from his fever. Now that is exactly what happens when your boyf is too HOT for himself. (Haha!)
I am thinking of..
A pillow fight with Cookie.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

"For heaven's sake I know you're sorry.
But you won't even stop crying.
Too late, I'm sure.
Another night of wasted dreams.
Just be here right now, against me.
You know th words. So sing along, baby"

Friday, April 3, 2009

Biology Term of th day: He Ho Ho Ho He He Ho Ho He.

Feeling kinda gloomy this moment. Finding myself staring blankly into th laptop screen. God know's why I am feeling this way.
Anyhow, thank you tina, for your company last evening. (it did cheer me up quite abit)

Tina came over to cheer me up and lend me a listening ear last evening. Had a good long chat about many things in life. She shared with me her share of troubles. Habib couldn't stop texting her on her cell. He's ''sorry'' messages were countless. Tina was furious with Habib for pulling a nasty prank on her and decided to ignore him. Habib didn't know what to do except text almost 50 messages apologizing to tina and he even rushed over to my place just so he could see tina and apologize face to face (how sweet). Tina was really nasty and she didn't tell Habib th exact location of my place. All she said to Habib was ''colorful building along th road'' and Habib had to figure out where my place was. It took him about 2 hours or so and he got lost. Habib's reply was '' I don't care how much trouble it will take me to find th place, all i want is to see your face, hold your hand and tell you how truly sorry i am''. Tina was getting all soft when she read th text. (lucky babe!)

Anyhow, Habib managed to find my place and when he arrived he was perspiring all over and he bought food for tina! He walked over and gave tina a hug and kept begging for forgiveness. (Aw!) Ye, so much for th lovey dovey episode infront of me. Th two love birds ended up ditching me after they decided to forgive and forget. Haha (jealousy is a total bitch)

To Habib: Nice knowing you buddy, you have found th Right Lady !
To Tina: Don't be a meanie! Love Habib more!

Have an awesome weekend ahead, folks. J

Thursday, April 2, 2009

You should have known, you should have known
You should have thought even deeper than shallow
You should have known, you should have known
That she walked in the lonely road with some speeding or slowing down
That there were streaks down the swelling, black and white with light red veins
That there would be chills sent down her spine
But you knew it right after a missed call
You should have known that she needed a shadow till where she belongs
You should have, you should have
You should have known that she feels nothing special
Just so unspecial.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hello Fool. April just came knocking on your door.
Ah, April Fool falls on a very monotonous Wednesday.
Sadly, oh so sadly, fiqah and wifey had their syf today (Congrats Orangemuff and Greenpea!) and Shafa had to visit th doctor. (bet it was that hot doctor she was telling us about) haha. So school was all about kellie, reena, me and shaula. Anyhow, we had our fair share of fun. No fooling around though. Oh yes, you butterheads be thankful we showed mercy and decided to spare you from our pranks.
This was how we spent 1 April 2009.

Anyhow just when school ended I thought I could get home without getting prank. (For th record, this was seriously a mind-numbing April Fools I repeat.) But hell no, I got pranked by a sec one punk. Oh wells, we were having a casual chat and he went "hey your button came off" and I went (looks down) " Huh? Oh." before I realize I got punked he went off sniggering. Oh I shall remember you little twerb. Just be on your toes for th entire month of April. Haha!

Now I find myself missing Cookie. No wait, more like wanting to see him just so I could get th present his sister bought for me. Haha! Just joking baby, I do miss you. Wondering how Cookie is coping at "South Africa". (Oh those leopard print kinky camouflage "suits" you botak heads wear. Haha! I really miss you. J