Monday, March 30, 2009

I'm like a sunday morning
You're like friday night
And when we kiss, it makes th perfect weekend
This is how we love..

Happy One Year & Seven Months, Cookie.
Th time we spent together have been and will always be th happiest time of my life.
I am blessed and grateful to have such a wonderful boyf like you..
A boyf who puts in th extra effort to make delicious sandwiches for me and delivers them to my workplace when I said i was hungry.
A boyf who would draw millions of little stars on a card just to put a smile on my face.
A boyf who would call you in th middle of class just to tell you he misses you.
I love you so so very very much, Cookie!

We ran past strawberry fields and smelled the summer time,
When it gets dark I'll hold your body close to mine,
And Then we'll find some wood and hell we'll build a fire,
And then we'll find some rope and make a swinging tyre.

Captivated by the way you look tonight the light is dancing in your eyes, your sweet eyes...

Times like these we'll never forget,
Staying out to watch the sunset,
I'm glad I shared this with you,
You set me free,
Showed me how good my life could be,
How did this wonderful thing happen to me...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Hello to all you Greenies.
Happy Earth Hour to all of you.
Support Kellie & Tanglin's percussion team at Esplanade, 530 this evening.

Well oh well, what a Saturday for me.
Started out with Chem focus this morning back in school. My class decided to pull a prank on Mr C. (haha! poor fella, nearly died of a heart attack) Anyhow, guess who is th mastermind of this oh-so-evil-prank?
Yours truly.

Anyhow, deicided to make up for my mistakes by paying attention during class. What's more, i didn't entertain any text messages during class. (haha! now i've proven Mr C wrong)

Had lunch with daddy & mommy today at Botanic Garden, thoroughly enjoyed th quality time I spent with them. I kinda miss those "Bonding" late-night fishing trips we used to have in th past. Oh wells, accompanied daddy to do some photoshoots for his upcoming Photography Competition. What can i say? Daddy always wanted a son, so here I am doing my job, showing him that I've got balls too. I can do anything better than him having a son.

Oh it is exactly two and a half more hours till Earth Hour, what will you people be doing? Oh I really wonder what wonders happen in th dark. (wriggle eyeybrows*) haha!
*Bzzzzzpt clear those dirty thoughts!

zoom-ing off to th dinner table for now- J

Friday, March 27, 2009

F- for friday.
Finally th dreadful and monotonous week has came to an end.Not considering th weekend of course! Since when weekends were considered boring?
Nawww, never for me.

Alright, home pretty early for a friday. Would have been caught up in track practises instead, but... I've got banned from training, remember?
Oh yes you can bet your ass that I am wearing a sulky face right now.
Oh ho ho, that cold treatment I am receiving just because I got banned from training.
So now what..? It's my fault for getting ban?

Beeping with Cookie right now, that botak will be home soon.
I miss Cookie. I miss th fun we had during th March hols.
Cookie oh Cookie, I really really miss you.

Drats. The afternoon sun is killing me...
I need my tub of rocky road ice cream.
I shall rumage through that miserable fridge of mine.

Happy Earth Hour to you greenies, in advance. J

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Report book is in my hands.
No comments.
L1R4- 8 points.
L1R5- 11 points.

Have a great night ahead buttheads -J

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

:Brain Tension.

I'm staring up into th solar system, gazing at th stars fixed up in the sky. I just wanna sparkle for one lonesome moment before I finally fizzle out and die. Then th planes come out of nowhere; they look like ninjas, and I swear by God, I'm not high on weed. They grab and push. Tug on my arm till I muster all of what's left of my energy to stand up. I'm wobbling with every step I take, wobble, walk, wobble, wobble, wobble. I stare up into the sky. I'm completely fixated on the bursting stars in the sky. I'm not letting anything get in my way now. No, not now. Not even pesky little japanese ninjas trying to push me back into the air jet.I guess I'm at war with the ninjas. Just like how the rest of the world is at war with each other.

I'm sick and tired of all th shit you people are putting me through.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Buenas tardes amigoes!

Managed to drag myself out of bed this morning. (pretty much dreadful)
Sulking my way to school and lamenting about how pessimistic i am towards this new school term. Well yes, just in case you have not realize it is Term TWO.
You are exactly six months or there about to taking your O'level.

Anyhow, was busy munching down my breakfast when i got off th car. Dragged my ass to th Sc room to chill out. When I got a Shock of my dear life. I was about to throw my junk into th plastic bin in th Sc room when I found a Half-flattened mouse looking at me in th bin. It scared th berjeepers out of me! (Thank god i was alone in th room, and no one caught me in my mortified facial expression)

Now that is a photo of that stupid mouse!
I decided to leave it alone as I thought it was dead, but oh-no.. I was wrong. Adi and Ben came to my rescue.

J: Fxuk that bloody rat is in th Bin!
Adi: huh? you mean there is another rat?
Ben: (looks into th bin) Oh my god...
Firdey: (kicks th bin)

Little mouse: (comes alive) Squeak Squeak!

J/Firdey: (screams)
Adi/Ben: Oh no oh no!

alright folks, what we did next to th mouse... Shall remain a secret. (God know's where that little rat ended up)

Back to school. So much for all th action in th morning.
Girlfriends reunion (yay!)
Babes and gossips (lots to catch up, and laugh about)
Free Library Period (bundle of laughter, News broadcast, Dating Sites, challenging game of scrable)
Walked home with Shafa (**wriggles eyebrow)
Back to school.
Met Kellie.
Bubble tea date @ clementi (story-telling sessions, Kellie is indeed an angel)
(it's between you & me sweetcake, thanks)
Grampy's home.
Gramp taught me how to cook Asam Pedas!
I made my successful attempt (I can cook!)

Satisfying enough?
R is going to be real proud of me!
Haha. Toodles all you nerdos & coolios. J

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Now it begins with J.
J for junkie.
All that ghetto food junkie I have been stuffing my face with.

Old Town White Coffeehouse. Bakerzin. Home. Junkies. (all that's for now)

PlazaSing. Lao Beijing. Tcc. (all that later this evening)

School. Home Home. (all that for tomorrow and th rest of this week)
Don't ask why there isn't training.
I fxukin' hell got banned.

R is busy meddling with his blog now. By th way, both our blogs has came back to life. That was our resolution (i assume?). Took me such a long time to upload those photos. Right now, feel like slaughtering R. feel like strangling R. feel like poking R. (Haha!) Indeed, th volatile side of me.
Plain boring Sunday afternoon is driving me nuts.
I need to find something to poke my nose into. Anything, everything, except those deadly chemistry notes. (Oh no no no, spare me would you? you silly teeny weeny ball of atoms and charges)
I am missing R. Come look for me by my window ok?
(Haha!) that's enough. I am indeed getting a little preposterous. (bear with me)

Wrappin' it all up, toppin' it all up with Hazelnut cream. J

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Great Morning to all you SleepyHead,

It's Saturday. Alright, i do get it. It's Saturday. One more day till school re-opens and....
To be honest, i've not started on any of my homework. (haha!)
what's more? i won't have th time to do any of it. I am packed to th fullest for today and tomorrow.
give me just one good reason why i should be going back to school when life is a never-ending effervescent zest off school? i mean what could be more thrilling than having to wake up past noon and still have ample time to blow dry your hair? sigh. the commencement of sophomore year looks closer from this side of march.

Olright, was at Vivo last evening. Had Subway for dinner with Mommy and Gram, after which I headed to GV to meet up with Uncle Jit and his friend to catch th show ''Mall Cop''

To be honest i wasn't totally digging into th show at first. I had an exhausting day at Pulau Ubin, (Let's not get started, all i have to say about th trip is that i am Thankful i don't have Balls that comes as a HUGE hindrance when cycling. And to those effy Mozzies, i swear i'll give your teeny weeny black&white ass a good Smackdown.) Haha!
Back to th movie. You got to watch it, kids!
I bet you will laugh your ass out. It is so darn hilarious (I truly mean it)
I'll rate it for 5 shiny stars.

R is probably drooling while asleep now, wake up call was to be at 830. That lazy bum has his training or something, I shall sabo him and let him sleep in. Haha! 0
(too bad)
What's more he will be having his game later this afternoon. Hyeayh, oh wells. all th very best R. You know i love you.

Toodles for now, kids.
I'm off to th hospital. J

Friday, March 20, 2009

Good Morning
It's now 5:14am. (Krap, am wondering myself why am i up so early?)

Haha :D
Awesome Breakfast this morning. Mommy woke up to prepare warm milk and sandwich for me.
Craving for cereals and waffles though.
Anyhow, I am a happy-kid for now, and perhaps th rest of this week.
Was in town last night, loaded up on candies from Marks & Spencer.

Drool like a dog.
You can't resist those candies I swear.
Haha :D

Alright, shall be back to update about today's Pulau Ubin trip soon :D

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hello Dicky Birds!

Am at R's house now. Spending time with his family. (haha!)
Alright, so i've decided to start a new blog. Got kinda sick and tired of th older one. Plus, i've decided that will update this blog as and when i can. I promise i won't die on this. (haha!)

Ol'ritey. Off to lunch.
Bored to my ass, can't seem to figure how to get R's webbiecam to work. (Oh drats!)