Monday, March 23, 2009

Buenas tardes amigoes!

Managed to drag myself out of bed this morning. (pretty much dreadful)
Sulking my way to school and lamenting about how pessimistic i am towards this new school term. Well yes, just in case you have not realize it is Term TWO.
You are exactly six months or there about to taking your O'level.

Anyhow, was busy munching down my breakfast when i got off th car. Dragged my ass to th Sc room to chill out. When I got a Shock of my dear life. I was about to throw my junk into th plastic bin in th Sc room when I found a Half-flattened mouse looking at me in th bin. It scared th berjeepers out of me! (Thank god i was alone in th room, and no one caught me in my mortified facial expression)

Now that is a photo of that stupid mouse!
I decided to leave it alone as I thought it was dead, but oh-no.. I was wrong. Adi and Ben came to my rescue.

J: Fxuk that bloody rat is in th Bin!
Adi: huh? you mean there is another rat?
Ben: (looks into th bin) Oh my god...
Firdey: (kicks th bin)

Little mouse: (comes alive) Squeak Squeak!

J/Firdey: (screams)
Adi/Ben: Oh no oh no!

alright folks, what we did next to th mouse... Shall remain a secret. (God know's where that little rat ended up)

Back to school. So much for all th action in th morning.
Girlfriends reunion (yay!)
Babes and gossips (lots to catch up, and laugh about)
Free Library Period (bundle of laughter, News broadcast, Dating Sites, challenging game of scrable)
Walked home with Shafa (**wriggles eyebrow)
Back to school.
Met Kellie.
Bubble tea date @ clementi (story-telling sessions, Kellie is indeed an angel)
(it's between you & me sweetcake, thanks)
Grampy's home.
Gramp taught me how to cook Asam Pedas!
I made my successful attempt (I can cook!)

Satisfying enough?
R is going to be real proud of me!
Haha. Toodles all you nerdos & coolios. J

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