Sunday, March 22, 2009

Now it begins with J.
J for junkie.
All that ghetto food junkie I have been stuffing my face with.

Old Town White Coffeehouse. Bakerzin. Home. Junkies. (all that's for now)

PlazaSing. Lao Beijing. Tcc. (all that later this evening)

School. Home Home. (all that for tomorrow and th rest of this week)
Don't ask why there isn't training.
I fxukin' hell got banned.

R is busy meddling with his blog now. By th way, both our blogs has came back to life. That was our resolution (i assume?). Took me such a long time to upload those photos. Right now, feel like slaughtering R. feel like strangling R. feel like poking R. (Haha!) Indeed, th volatile side of me.
Plain boring Sunday afternoon is driving me nuts.
I need to find something to poke my nose into. Anything, everything, except those deadly chemistry notes. (Oh no no no, spare me would you? you silly teeny weeny ball of atoms and charges)
I am missing R. Come look for me by my window ok?
(Haha!) that's enough. I am indeed getting a little preposterous. (bear with me)

Wrappin' it all up, toppin' it all up with Hazelnut cream. J

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