Saturday, May 30, 2009

Saturday Morning.
Meet-the-parents session. Hah! Not something to look forward to i guess?
But hey, what can I say? I am 'pretty' well-behaved in school, not a problematic kid at all. Considering th fact that I don't terrorize any other fellow students, traumatize any old fags or roll up my skirts to expose my buttcheeks. So oh wells, dropped by in school to see my form teacher with daddyo and mommy. Good results comes with good comments you are dying to hear. How's that for you?
Haha. Oh well.

Heading out for tea with daddyo and mommy later this afternoon while Cookie has his game on. Poor Cookie, was up th entire night doing guard duty I'd guess he and his buddy went to slack at some deserted area to steal some sleep. It's funny how he amazes me with all his nonsence. Oh wells guess that's what made me fall in love with him. Well, you peepo heard it. Oh that reminds me,

HAPPY 10th bby.

And to some nosey peepo out there, you've got th message stated quite vividly. Yes, and yes again, Cookie and me are attached and as in love as always, it is indeed a great BIG JOKE for him and me that you nosey arsefarts think that we are no longer together. Haha! we spent almost th entire phone convo laughing about it.
Pfffft, sigh oh sigh, why make yourself look so ''gossip aunties and uncles'' get a life.

Anyhow, Monday's Cheena O. Hello hello, greet me with mercy F9.

Coolios folks- J

Thursday, May 28, 2009

New vans. New guitar picks.
Fxcking Happy Kid who wants to cry.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


What a great start to mid-week. (Snorts!)
Day one, marks th terrifying start to Chinese Intensives.
Well, note th word "intensive" here? Ye, its where th teachers throw a bunch of hopeless cheena weaklings into a classroom and drill you with back to back mock papers. Insane I hear you say... Well this is what happens when you are sitting for your O' levels. Naw, not a pleasant situation to be caught in.

Hello? Let's just waste away all our hopes on getting our mother tongue right, and call it quits with th controversy of promoting "SPEAK MANDARIN CAMPAIGN" (knock knock**) just so you know, it ain't doing much help. 3 days of intensives isn't going to perform miracles like F9 to A1. Attaining a distinction starts from th early years where you get your language foundation right.

Anyhow, shall grant myself another self-declared holiday tomorrow. Why?
Simply cos I am experiencing this I-kinda-hate-school-and-you feeling. Haha! So, shall avoid all this negative cheena influence. I've drawn th line, it's not you. It's me. I just don't find you (cheena) interesting anymore. I'm sorry, we will just go our seperate ways.....

Pfffffft. What a dramatic "break-up" haha!
Toodles folks, just a gentle reminder, Be nice to chinese.-J

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

No school for me. Oh hell yes, I am a happy kid today. See me smile like a total idiot. It isn't exactly a school holiday, but it's more like a self-declared one. Haha. Well, this is what happens when you get sick and tired of life and you find it so sapping to drag yourself out of bed and greet th day. Oh dee doo, grumble all you want folks, but i guess that's a whole deal of life you expect.

I'm starting to get all sick with school.books.exams. Those are just no-no's for me. School hours seem to get draggy, a minute in maths class seem like a month... no wait, more like a century. Oh god, please spare me. I hate school. I prefer staying home, where I am all alone. I like it that way. I'm starting to seek a sense of comfort and assurance in solitude. Well, of course Cookie is all I need for now.

Pffft, I am scrolling up and down my msn messenger and I see no souls online, bet you nerdos are all in school with books. Please my fello peepo, get a life. Haha.
Alrighto, didn't mean to sound nasty. (Haha!, perhaps just kinda cranky and all.)


Monday, May 25, 2009

Hohoho. i'll tell you about my awesome weekend.
Tampines Stadium. Cookie's soccer match. (Gombak vs. Tampines Rovers) Totally worth my saturday. Helmi & soccermates (hi-bye). Chill out session at some roadside indian eatery. Tampines point. Got lost. Met Uncle Jit, Uncle Shaodong and sissi at tampines mall (fxck, it was just across th road, haha). Midnight movie. Poke fun at random passer-bys. Junkie hangover. Home.

Sunday. I've got th coolest parents on Earth. How about you?
Town with daddyo, Mommy and sissi. Movie. Shopping. Sissi's wardrobe makeover.
Sissi is a total:
2.Fussy ass
*Grrrrrrr. No more shopping trips with her. Haha!

Alrighto, kinda lazy to blog right now.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Now now, it's all over.
I've called my quits.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Pinch me, pinch me hard. Wake me up from this disastrous nightmare I am consumed in.
Save me, save me now. Its as if I can hardly breathe, I walked through th hospital corridor to feel so lost, to feel so helpless. My throat was constricting I could merely speak, I whispered your name, save me. I wanted to run, but th walls kept closing on me. There isn't a way out to this. No, no escape routes, it's reality they say. Wake your senses. Shut up Shut up! Leave me alone.

It's a psychological battle i am dealing with.
Solitude is my comfort. Darkness is my assurance.
Your shadow walks with me, till th day I see th light.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I had a nasty dream last night.

Somehow, th theme ''glory glory glory man united" was echoing in my head.
I dreamt about th old run down stadium, somehow everything was blurry. Then th crowd was cheering... and th match went on. Rooney came kicking balls, and....

Behind him was a huge monster, no wait... A rhino! It was PINK IN COLOR!
Argh. BOOOOM BOOOM POW* th big rhino stomped all over, and KAPOW! Rooney was flung off th pitch, th PINK RHINO was on th run, juggling th ball towards th goal post, and i screaaaaaamed "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Damn it was a score. Nice shxt.

Not going to be a sour plum, so I am going to CONGRATULATE all th Man utd fans for their title. No biggie, just remember it was LIVERPOOL WHO WON YOU OVER AT OLD TRAFFORD!

*Laughing Hard till my knees go weak.-J

(Don't get jealous, that's a photo of my husbie with my baby son. Hah!)

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Finally, a short break from all th nasty exams.
Oh hoho, well this mid year is a Killer.
Naw, won't bitch about it.

Shall blog about my super belated Mommy's Day.
Oh what did you peepo do for you Momma?
I made her a.. F*****
Flower. Not Fcuker, you fcuker. (Haha!)

Bugis. Chin Chin Eating House. Bugis. Dessert House. Never ending nonsence from Uncle S.D and Uncle Jit. Haha! Best Mommy's Day ever.

Alright, Mommy's Day over.
Flu's got th better of me. Totally sick and out.
Weekends are here. I need a break.
Looking forward to Saturday. (Oh, I miss my PINKO RHINO)

Friday, May 8, 2009



Ohohohoho, my sweet baby is one year older. This makes me look younger. Old man.
Well oh wells. Just want to make a public announcement that it is MY PINKO RHINO'S BIRTHDAY.

Th rest is between me and him to share. (wriggles eyebrow*)
Bet you buttheads are thinking otherwise. Hyehahaha.
Goodnight loveables!-J

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Way back to th days you hit me in my face and gave me a clear view of reality.
Sigh. MYE is here. Day One.
Physics Paper Two
Chem & Physics Prac. (OWTHF*)
Kell wasn't with me, totally lonely.
My strawberry is now a suspect of th SWINE FLU. Haha!
Poor sweetheart got herself quarantine in school. (Take great care sweetcake!)

Anyhow Chem Prac is a definite F for me.
God knows what color my solution turned out to be.
Anyhow to make my day a little better Mommy came to pick me up. We had a real good chat in th car. I've been dropping some hints lately, maybe she's playing along with me. Haha!

I miss P.Rhino. It's been 298428912849 days since i last saw him, (um actually not?) we went star gazing on saturday night. Oh th twinkly sparkly stars. We had so much fun. Well that includes pulling a prank on a poor fella name Hakim. Haha!
Anyhow can't wait till MYE is over. Got to start working on a ''PROJECT" with xzxzxzxz. haha!

Counting down th days till MYE actually finishes.
Take great care Kell, if there's anything you need, scream from your window!-J

Saturday, May 2, 2009

It's never nice to know what's falling apart.
Never seem to catch a hold of it, falling and breaking apart?
Be nice.