Wednesday, May 27, 2009


What a great start to mid-week. (Snorts!)
Day one, marks th terrifying start to Chinese Intensives.
Well, note th word "intensive" here? Ye, its where th teachers throw a bunch of hopeless cheena weaklings into a classroom and drill you with back to back mock papers. Insane I hear you say... Well this is what happens when you are sitting for your O' levels. Naw, not a pleasant situation to be caught in.

Hello? Let's just waste away all our hopes on getting our mother tongue right, and call it quits with th controversy of promoting "SPEAK MANDARIN CAMPAIGN" (knock knock**) just so you know, it ain't doing much help. 3 days of intensives isn't going to perform miracles like F9 to A1. Attaining a distinction starts from th early years where you get your language foundation right.

Anyhow, shall grant myself another self-declared holiday tomorrow. Why?
Simply cos I am experiencing this I-kinda-hate-school-and-you feeling. Haha! So, shall avoid all this negative cheena influence. I've drawn th line, it's not you. It's me. I just don't find you (cheena) interesting anymore. I'm sorry, we will just go our seperate ways.....

Pfffffft. What a dramatic "break-up" haha!
Toodles folks, just a gentle reminder, Be nice to chinese.-J

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