Saturday, May 22, 2010

Where the moon lights and stars shine.

On quiet nights like this, I sit in my room and pile myself up with schoolwork. I had my playlist on shuffle. Reason being, I love expecting the unexpected. I love how surprises sweep me off my feet, I love how truth/lies catches me off guard. I've never wanted to live a life that has been predicted. I'd rather walk the different paths in life where you and I meet at intersections and junctions. I wonder, I really do wonder... How is it that you and I were given a chance to meet?

Now, it creeps me out way down to my spine that every song playing on "shuffle" mode conveys my emotions. Is it my feelings or.... just the lyrics.
I wonder, as the composer came up with the lyrics, was he feeling the same way I am feeling? Had he went through the same falls in life I went through?

Doesn't this conclude that you, me, and human kind do ride on the same mood of emotions? What makes me, me? What makes you, you. They are them, we are we. But who's to say we're the same?

Lately, I've been taking a wild ride on emotions. Perhaps, let me breakdown? And it could all be the same afterall.

I a p o l o g i s e i f t h i s b l o g p o s t a p p e a r s d i s t o r t e d.
Sympathize with me, my train of thoughts just won't peice together.

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