Saturday, November 28, 2009

R-R, Bad Romance.

God, I've been possessed by the fashion devil. I have a new-found addiction to HEELS. Oh yes, I have been eye-ing a wide range of heels from almost every footwear store in town. That would have to go without a saying, I dropped by in town yesterday with my family because momsie had a dinner date with her group of girlfriends so.... That meant retail therapy with dadsie and sissi. Well, it was my turn to get my dose of shopping as sissi had her fair share when she was vacation-ing in taipei over the last six days. (I am so friggin' jealous alright). Apparently, she mentioned about how fashion-forward taipei is and that their range of apparels and footwear are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more trendier than what we have in Sg. That I have to agree with! Certainly without a doubt. Well, the range of clothings we have here in Sg is more or less similar, if not... The different type of styles and cutting do share the same "inspiration". Don't you agree? Guess the only way to look stylish is to go simple. Oh no wait, simplicity doesn't come cheap. I reckon everyone have to invest in at least a good pair of JEANS and a stunning pair of HEELS. I believe, with these two essentials you can strut your way down in town and turn those heads and get those jaws dropping. Now now, where was I? Ah, heels. Oh, heels, heels and more heels. I jumped into [New Look] @ Ion for a 15minute quickie because dadsie was rushing for "carpark time". Anyhow, I scanned every single rack in the shop... And... Aw, within good 8minutes, I laid my eyes on a pair of "Oh la la~" black heels. Well, I am not quite sure if it appeals to anyone else, but damn I knew there and then which pair of outfit would go perfectly well with that pair of heels. Dadsie was hurrying me and his hastiness irritated me. So I left the outlet. Oh god, I will come back for you(heels), you have no idea how much I love you. I promise, I will get you! Now that dadsie isn't there to pay, I will have to fork out 67bux for it. Shitzxzxzxz. Where am I to get so much cash? I've milked my cashcow dry within the past 3 days. This is really irksome. It sucks biggie when you are broke. I will find a way.

There you go, you are just so gorgeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoooooooooous. Mwaaaaaaa! Lady GaGa wears "STUNNING-ly KILLLAAAAA" heels.
Now I am ass-whipping envious.

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