Friday, October 23, 2009

I've been up since last night, 1107pm.
Mommy and daddy called sissi and me into their bedroom for a talk.
I would have thought it was just some occasional family "chit-chat" thingy going on.
But i guess i was wrong. Utterly wrong.

My mom broke th news to us. How ironic, she said those words with so much glee while i was bearing th sickening pain gnawing inside of me. I must have shown my emotions on my face as my mom and dad went silent for a minute.

So here's th deal:
Mom got offered a partnership to set up a university in Dubai and this means PERMANENT CITIZENSHIP & LIVING EXPANSES, EDUCATION IS ALL CATERED FOR. Dubai.

Mom and Dad thinks we need to breakaway from th Singapore lifestyle (which i agree, but... not TOTALLY).

Well, I do love dubai itself, and I can almost imagine th lifestyle I am gna have there, pleasant and away from all that Singapore "JUNK".
I'd thought we would be moving to Aust or something, but.... Dubai?

Final call lies with my parents.
But I doubt I can leave just like that, if i do, I'm leaving a gem behind. And I'd live my life with regrets.

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