Tuesday, September 1, 2009

look what i found in result of my insomnia

what to do when you're upset by russiangold .

1. have a romance in your head .
2. buy a remote control for your camera and dip your toes into the pool of narcissism .
3. write a personal entry for your blog dissecting every aspect of the upsetting situation . post it, don't post it, whatever .
4. wear a fake mustache all day .
5. write multiple lists of everything you want : material posessions, relationships, work, lifestyle, everything . pin them up by the door so you see them all the time .
6. eat animal crackers .
7. notice when you hold tension in your body, & learn to let it go .
8. load up your ipod and go for a long walk through your favourite scenery .
9. find a secret place .
10. lie down in the sunshine .

it looks like i have one of these specifically pretty down *3

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