Saturday, August 15, 2009

This blog post is specially dedicated to my dearest MUHD RIDWAN.
You have never failed to surprise me in your own way.
You will always turn up right before me when I needed someone to cry to.
Here's some words I've been wanting to say to you:

The little things we always do like calling each other for no reason just to say the words "baby I love you" has never failed to brighten up my days, keep me going whenever I am down.I know lately I've been really caught up with school but I want you to know now that not a second goes by without you crossing my mind. It's been pretty long since we had time to take our usual long walks and having long conversations, talking about nothing but feeling just about everything.So, let us take a day and make everything right, now take my hand and we will fall in love with each other over again.

Let's run away to the place where love first found us,let's run away for the day as don't need anyone around us. When everything in love gets so complicated it only takes a day to change it. What I have to say can't wait, all I need is a day so let's runaway. Runaway... just for the day. Gentle Giant, you've been so patient spending nights alone waiting for me and never complaining. But I will make it up to you and I'll tell you and promise that I will never keep you waiting.
I guess I need this one chance to remind you of everything we had and shared and never will I give up. I'm too much in love and I want you to know that.
And I promise to make everyday just like today.

I've decided, God gave me you.
You are th right one for me.
Th one who bothers to stay up every single night for th last two months preparing for my birthday gift.
And I can swear, no other guy in this world has th heart like yours to fold hundreds of stars filling up th entire birthday box just for me.
You have in many ways brought joy, happiness, care and unconditional love into my life. I am truly blessed to have met someone like you.

Muhd Ridwan, I love you so so so very much.

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