Saturday, July 25, 2009

Words can kill. Words can hurt. Words are filled with hatred when you say them lovingly. How oxymoronic can it be?
I was walking to th nearby shops to get myself supper and was about to make a payment for my junkies when a little boy screamed "I want to eat ice cream!" his dad looked kinda pissed and patiently whispered "No boy, stop screaming." And th little punk gave his dad a mini punch in th stomach and said "I don't like you''.

Words. Frightens me, th thought of how words can intertwine and strangle you scares th shit out of me. When we were kids all we knew were "good" words like "thank you", "please" and "Love". These pleasant words filled our childhood with pure bliss, am i right?

Until th day you learnt your first "bad" word which i'd prolly guess would be- "stupid"? Well it puzzles me how I mouthed my first ''stupid'' with th most innocent expression showing absolutely no guilt. And I remembered vividly th astonished reactions i got from my parents when i scolded my barbie doll "stupid".
Well, it wasn't just th bad words i learnt, I started building angst in me. That led to me growing up learning how to throw my tantrums and this was th very beginning to a world of ''I hate you, Fcuk off"

See how we grow up? We start being tyrants that are capable of mouthing cutting words that hurts th people we love most. Ironic isn't it? Well it is true. So learn to deal with reality.

And i wonder if th younger generations are starting to pick up all these negative influences at younger age, I would probably assume that in 10-15 years time all these "innocent cuties" are nothing but "angsty punks". What a world it would be.
Aren't you afraid that you have these younger generation pointing a middle finger in your face or prolly slamming bitchy comments behind your back?

Geee, th thought of these totally freaks me out. Th world is starting to change, kids these days are no longer innocent.

We are all guilty of hurting people with words that kill.
Think about it.

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