Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Once upon a time, you woke up and everything was falling apart.

Everything you thought you could do, that you thought made you special, someone else could do better. Maybe everyone caught up to you while you weren't growing; or maybe it wasn't you from the beginning. And when you tried it for yourself, the humiliation that followed traumatized you, and you never again wanted to face something that wasn't secure.

See, that's when suffering can come in handy; You realize that imperfection is a possibility, an option, a reality. What I wanted was the ability to be someone else, or at least pretend to be.

Sometimes, that's all a person ever wants to hear. And I heard it from someone special. He said it and made my day, like he always makes my day, makes me smile.

I don't know why he's there, or why me. He just told me that I always make him smile, and I have no idea how that's possible. It's him that always makes me smile, that makes me feel good about myself. And when he says he misses me, I believe him, searching my name, my company, my conversation as soon as he can.

Sometimes people come at the right time. I know HE did, just in time to save my dying self-esteem. When the person who's supposed to care for you more than anything -- doesn't, then someone else does. And does it real well. I'm so thankful.

If this be a fairy tale, it wouldn't sell. Children won't grow up remembering and treasuring the boy and the girl with their human faults and flaws who accepted each other whilst running out of good things to say. No one would care, and neither would I. I'll just go on living this fairy tale wannabe, and smiling as I do so.

In the end, it's my smile that matters the most.

And you're just gonna have to let me go with that.

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