Sunday, May 23, 2010

Saturday was sucha moo.

I'd like to share with you all this blissful song: Boats and Birds by Gregory and the Hawk. It's an old piece. I remember listening to it years ago, but my friend sent me a link to a song yesterday and that was what showed up. I knew the whole lyrics to it. It's an odd feeling when one listens to music that they grew up with. I mean, my music taste has changed since way back when, but I'd run into some even now and it just sends this heartwarming feeling all throughout my body. I'm so refreshed now. Oh memories.

I woke up at 12 in the afternoon today. 12! It's definitely have been ages since I slept in! I was feeling all lazy, so I sat in my couch for a while and turned on the television. And ho! There it was. Pearl Harbor with Ben Afleck and Josh Hartnett. I've never seen it in my life and I've always wanted to. 3 hours of war put me to tears.Oh goodness, I loved that movie. And today is such a mellow day.

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