Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dear John,

Dear John.
By, Nicholas Sparks;
has a way with words and this movie promises to take you into a magical place with Dear John. In this heartbreaking novel you are on the edge of your seat praying for John as he is overseas defending his country after 9/11, while your heart goes out to his beloved girlfriend back in the US. Its an improbable romance that steals your heart and makes you wish for a love like theirs. You go through the ups and downs of family devastation and them being thousands of miles apart.

I must admit... I can relate to this story. Very well to be exact. Emotionally to be even more exact.

Hmmm, and so I met this stranger 2 and a half years back. No, it isn't what you are anticipating. You must have been expecting... Love at first sight, blah blah blah.
Honestly, thankfully.. No.

So, where was I? Oh yes, a stranger. A stranger that ignited a spark in a tiny corner of my heart when we first had our conversation together. But simple as it remained... We were nothing more than friends.
A fine line was drawn, we thought nothing could become out of the friendship we had (then) and so... We moved on with our seperate lives, but... I guess the knot in our friendship wouldn't unravel and it kept us tied together (as friends).

Down the months, (as friends) we met with life's complications. We had to handle our emotions and that meant keeping our infatuations we had for each other a secret. I would probably take a bet that we were the biggest liars living on earth then.
Checking up on each other once in awhile. Popping random questions like "So how's life for you?" and throwing oh-so-friendly "accusations" like "C'mon... I am sure you're attached by now". What the hell were we thinking?

We bloody knew deep down in our heart we missed each other so badly when school schedule was packed for me and we didn't see each other online that much. We bloody knew that it hurt so bad when we saw how "preoccupied" each other got in our private dating lives. Still, we were in denial. We reminded ourselves.... "We are just friends, nothing more."

But what about now? I ask of you... To stay close and never go. You came as a friend, stayed as a lover and I want you to know... Wherever you go, I am coming along.

All it took was two weeks for us to realize we were madly in love. Nothing more than two weeks.
You were and will be my best present I received on my 15th Birthday.
Not knowing how to spell LOVE untill you came along has so far been the best damn thing that has ever happen to me.

Yours truly.

"If I go away, what would still remain of me? The ghost within your eyes? The whisper in your sighs? You see... Believe
And I'm always there."

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